congratulates the winners of the video and picture contest of last month!
The winners of the monthly contest are determined on basis of the average ranking, the number of given ratings, the number of comments and the number of views of the video/picture. In each monthly contest every user can only win one prize. To give more user chances for a prize, the winner of one contest are excludes from the next three contests. But of course they can participate in the contest noncompetitively. Last months' winners
Category Dog
Winners February 2022Die vier vom Wäscheständer:)Gigio, Beppi, Shanti und Smilla haben wir vom Tierschutz, sie werden bei uns von Anfang an bestens versorgt mit dem ANIfit Futter und haben so vieeel Energie zum Beispiel für's Wäscheabräumen vom Wäscheständer;) more...Von: Felicia Aufrufe: 2950 Category Cat
Winners February 2022 |